Celebrating 12 years : 2013 - 2025

Who on earth is Rebecca da Silva?

November 15th 2023


As the old adage goes, it takes a village to raise a child… which makes us a proud bunch of co-parents to each and every project. Before this analogy gets any weirder, let’s pass over to Rebecca, our chief wordsmith.

Who are you and what do you do at KOTA?

Hi, I’m Rebecca. I collaborate with KOTA on their brand positioning and tone of voice projects. I also work across things like copywriting and scripting. Essentially, I do anything involving words.

How did you get here?

A few lectures into my science degree, I very quickly realised the mistake I’d made. While the idea of a lab coat seemed fun, the gravity of the situation meant that I understood almost nothing. After getting consistent feedback about my essays being terrible but beautifully written, I decided to pick a subject that would allow me to focus on writing: the philosophy of sex, naturally. After graduating, I became a full-time writer, drafting things like radio ads, billboard campaigns, app copy and even the occasional horoscope. I’d say my most niche job was writing a comedy set that had to reference both Volvo and Scotland. God knows what I wrote. Anyway, I’ve been working with KOTA for the past couple of years now. As someone who can find ways to butcher a PowerPoint template, it’s really inspiring to work with such a talented design team. I’m really happy. KOTA is amazing.

Three favourite brands and why?

Fecal Matter – Fun fact: they were the very first Instagram account I ever followed and I’ve been a massive fan ever since. If you’re not already familiar, Fecal Matter is the twisted brainchild of Hannah Rose Dalton and Steven Raj Bhaskaran, who appear to be some of the most endearing, mild mannered people on the planet. So the fact that they design such macabre things, like boots made from prosthetic human skin, is such a juxtaposition. I love it. Imagine if two disney characters fused an alien-like aesthetic with the glamour of Old Hollywood… in one fashion brand. That.

NARS cosmetics – They make high quality products and they’ve done some really cool collaborations over the years (like the Andy Warhol one). For a more high-end brand, they’re also unexpectedly playful, which is something I really like. Some of their shade names really crack me up; there’s no need for a blusher to be called Orgasm.

Coca Cola – There are very few brands that instantly make you think of Christmas, so you have to respect Coca Cola’s festive ads. Those twinkly trucks are truly iconic. I do also drink an obscene amount of Diet Coke, so I have no choice but to admit that I’m a fan of the brand. And their latest campaign with Kate Moss? Kinda genius.

Good design is…

Dependent on good writing. No matter how good something looks, if it sounds lame, it is lame. From a purely visual perspective, I’d say good design is seamless. It just looks right.

When you were little you wanted to be…

An archeologist. I used to fill my mum’s handbag up with stones from the driveway under the sincere belief that I was making a historical discovery. But then, at age 9, I watched Legally Blonde for the first time and was fully ready to trade my trowel in for a gavel. However, after learning about the harsh realities of a career in law, I quickly gave up on that dream, too. On reflection, I think I was only in it for the chihuahua anyway.

What’s something that usually surprises people about you?

I’m half Brazilian. As I’m so pale, it always throws people. And the fact that I don’t speak a word of Portuguese kinda makes it look like I’ve made the whole thing up.

Interested in working with KOTA?

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We are a Creative Digital Agency based in Clerkenwell London, specialising in Creative Web Design, Web Development, Branding and Digital Marketing.